Routing with Orchestra Platform is still based on Laravel routing engine. However we include two base method for registering routes; Foundation::namespaced() and Foundation::group().

Frontend Routing

Anything other than Orchestra Platform administration routes are considered as frontend routing, this includes routing to frontend for app and extensions. For this you can use the default frontend routes file available from routes/frontend.php.


use Illuminate\Routing\Router;

$router->resources('photos', 'PhotoController', ['only' => ['index', 'show']]);

The main different is that we now include a namespace and a fallback prefix before providing any attributes for our route group. In this case app is our route namespace and / is the fallback prefix URL if app path is not registered.

The reason namespace is important because using this concept we can set an anchor to the URL via the following:

<a href="{{ handles('app::photos') }}">List Photos</a>

Backend Routing

You can easily create a new page for Orchestra Platform administration routes by using the default routes/backend.php.


use Illuminate\Routing\Router;

$router->resource('photos', 'PhotoController');

Above code improves the basic Route::group() by adding few things:

  • Set the proper prefix or domain path for Orchestra Platform administration page.
  • Add Orchestra\Foundation\Http\Middleware\UseBackendTheme middleware.
  • Add route group namespace to App\Http\Controllers\Admin.


Behind the scene

It's actually an alias of Foundation::group() with additional configuration.

Generating URL

In order to make the routing configurable we have merged route(), action() and url() to a single Foundation::handles() method.