
All of the configuration files for the Orchestra Platform are stored in the resources/config directory. Each option is documented, so feel free to look through the files and get familiar with the options available to you.

Orchestra Platform needs almost no other configuration out of the box except for database configuration, which can be configured in .env file. However, you may wish to review the resources/config/app.php file and its documentation. It contains several options such as timezone and locale that you may wish to change according to your application.


Don't enable debug mode on production

You should never have the app.debug configuration option set to true for a production application.


Setting Admin URL

Instead of using the default /admin prefix for your administration page, you can configure Orchestra Platform to handled by a different URL, to utilise this feature all you need to do is publish orchestra/foundation configuration using the following command:

php artisan publish:config orchestra/foundation


This command would publish the configuration file to resources/config/packages/orchestra/foundation/config.php.

URL Prefix

Edit handles key in resources/config/packages/orchestra/foundation/config.php to (as an example) "sudo". With this changes Orchestra Platform Administration page while be accessible from /sudo.


return [
	'handles' => 'sudo',

URL Domain

You can also assign a sub-domain to handle Orchestra Platform Administration page by editing the handles value to //admin.{{domain}}.


return [
	'handles' => '//admin.{{domain}}',

However to do this, please make sure that you have set APP_URL value in .env and using Orchestra\Extension\Traits\DomainAware to allow {{domain}} to be resolved dynamically.

<?php namespace App\Providers;

use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use Orchestra\Extension\Traits\DomainAware;

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
	use DomainAware;

	 * Boot the service provider.
	 * @return void
	public function boot()

Disable Extension for Debugging

There would be time when you might face problem with Orchestra Platform where an extension might cause a bug and your application stop working. In such event, you can use the safe mode to stop any extension from being loaded during bootstrap.

To do this, just set EXTENSION_MODE=safe to your .env. This way, we would create a session data to indicate that you are browsing the site in safe mode. Once you have deactivate any problematic/broken extension just remove the value or change it to EXTENSION_MODE=normal to browse the website normally (with extensions re-enabled).



Disable Extension using the URL

You can also use ?_mode=safe (default to normal) as URL query string.